DBIA's Popular Open Streets Event Peterborough Pulse Cancelled

Peterborough Pulse has cancelled this year’s Open Streets event in response to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and the implications it has for large gatherings. 

The Pulse Organizing Committee felt their decision to cancel the July 18th event was a necessary measure in safeguarding the well-being and health of the Peterborough community. 

“Public health must come first—now and always,” says Terry Guiel, Executive Director of the Downtown Business Improvement Area and Peterborough Pulse Co-Chair. 

“Just like our community, Pulse is extremely resilient,” adds Hillary Flood, Peterborough Pulse Coordinator. “We look forward to a future when it is safe again to gather in the streets. When Pulse returns it will be with all the colourful community magic one could expect from our hyper-local Open Streets festival!”

While the event may be cancelled this year, Pulse intends to inspire community connection online and will be using its Facebook page to spotlight feel-good community actions that will bring the community safely together, even when apart. 

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