GoFundMe Created To Help Young Girl Diagnosed With B-Cell Leukemia Days After Fourth Birthday

It may not be the best present for four-year-old Ellie Bell as she was diagnosed with B-Cell leukemia shortly after her fourth birthday but a GoFundMe was set up to aid the family.

Bell after meeting Santa Clause at Lansdowne Place Mall while she got her face painted. Photo courtesy of Natalie Campbell.

Bell received the diagnosis four days after her fourth birthday (Dec. 12). She was release from the hospital after spending 10 days according to a Facebook post from her mother.

It began as what the family thought was a high fever and Bell was taken to the Peterborough Regional Health Centre. She was eventually taken to SickKids Hospital on the same day for several tests including blood work, x-rays and ultrasounds.

The second day, Bell had to be put on a feeding tube while already on five days with no food or fluids according to the GoFundMe page. It was revealed that she respiratory syncytial virus, urinary tract infection and rhinovirus resulting in a a prescription of heavy antibiotics and receiving a blood transfusion (which gradually helped her condition).

On Bell’s 10th and final day at the hospital — which was her birthday — she received a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy because her cell line numbers were still low as stated in the GoFundMe. She was released from the hospital that day. During that time, Bell’s mother had openly asked friends and family to send videos wishing her a happy birthday.

Bell was readmitted on Thursday for a lumbar puncture and her first round of chemotherapy. I was administrated directly into her spine to prevent the cells from travelling to her spinal fluid and brain. A second round of chemotherapy on the same day.

On Friday, Bell will ‘receive a port line inserted in her chest to prevent two years worth of needle pokes’ according to Natalie Campbell, Bell’s great aunt.

Bell began junior kindergarten however her treatment will take roughly two to three years and is unable to return to class until the following school year. The parents have taken time off work to care for her during the recovery process.

“Our top priority is making sure Ellie has the love and support she needs to stay strong, as well as getting more answers in the coming weeks to further determine her prognosis,” said Campbell.

The GoFundMe was created by Campbell on Thursday that has already seen short of $5,000 of the $10,000 goal.

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