International Week of Deaf People Addresses Inclusion Through American Sign Language

DeafBlind Ontario Services is celebrating International Week of Deaf People from Sept. 19-25.

Sara Quick and her American Sign Language book. Photo courtesy of DeafBlind Ontario Services.

This year’s International Week of Deaf People (IWDP) theme is ‘Building Inclusive Communities for All’ which addresses the need to eliminate barriers to inclusion for deaf people.

DeafBlind Ontario Services provides customized services to deaf, hard of hearing, non-verbal and deaf-blind individuals which accommodate their various methods of communication, unique needs and goals to enrich their lives.

Peterborough’s Sara Quick teaches American Sign Language (ASL) through the book of signs she’s created.

ASL is a visual language with the same linguistic properties as spoken languages but different grammar than English. It is one of 200 different sign languages used around the world.

Being born profoundly deaf, 34-year-old Quick strives to eliminate the barriers deaf people face through teaching and advocating for the use of ASL.

Though ASL is her first language, Quick communicates with hearing individuals through written English.

“Learning sign is really fun. You use facial expressions, body posture and gestures,” she said. “A great place to start is with your ASL alphabet. Taking steps to learn ASL is an important way to connect hearing and deaf people.”

Quick teaches her Direct Support Professionals (DSP) and friends American Sign Language.

“She is amazing at teaching sign, I’ve learned so much from her,” said DSP with DeafBlind Ontario Services April Ferguson. “We started with the ABCs and built on them with a new sign everyday.

For more information on DeafBlind Ontario Services and IWDP contact senior coordinator of communications Samantha Marren at or 1-855-340-3267 ext. 224.

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