Local Rideshare and Food Delivery Service To Hold Job Fair On Saturday

Y Drive is looking to employ delivery and rideshare drivers at their hiring fair at the Peterborough Square offices on the third floor on Saturday.

Vietnamese restaurant Hanoi House (with vermicelli and spring rolls pictured in the foreground) located on Hunter Street and Lansdowne Street West was one of the first restaurants to have their food delivered by Y Drive. Photo courtesy of Y Drive.

The hiring fair will run from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 360 George St. where applicants can optionally bring their resumé.

The local company wants roughly 25 drivers for their rideshare program. In addition, they want to add another 20-30 delivery drivers for Y Drive Eats and have already hired 20 to start.

“Demand is so high, we need those people to keep growing,” said Joel Potter, Y Drive Eats owner.

Rideshare drivers must be at least 25, have a G license and have a newer vehicle. Delivery drivers do not have to meet those requirements.

Employees can work delivery or rideshare but not simultaneously on the same shift.

The delivery service starts on Tuesday with roughly eight restaurants to start. A new restaurant will be announced daily beginning in March for 30 days to be available for the delivery service.

Rob Davidson, Y Drive owner says his service will charge less to the restaurants.

"We actually got to know a lot of restaurant owners via Ydrive, said Davidson. "They are running into an issue where they are getting a lot of food out but not making any money. It allows our restaurant community to grow which is beneficial for us as customers and it also allows us to employ local drivers to do local work and make local money."

Vietnamese restaurant Hanoi House is one of the first businesses available for Y Drive delivery.

“I’m excited that there is a local option that charges a reasonable commission rate to restaurants,” said Susan Tung, Hanoi House owner. “People don’t realize how much money restaurants lose yearly to these large third-party apps. At least the money is now kept in the community so that is something we can all get behind.”

On Feb. 19, Y Drive started delivering for LCBO during their business hours.

Click here to submit an online application.

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