Why I'm Participating On PTBOCanada.com Movember Team


The hairiest month of the year has finally arrived! Movember is a month that many men can’t wait for. As most of you know, this is a month dedicated to raising awareness and funds for mental health initiatives and to help battle prostate cancer.

To some, Movember is simply an excuse to grow the best duster possible and to wear it with pride. To others, such as myself, Movember means quite a bit more. Though I do enjoy the task of growing as good a moustache as possible, which I am terrible at by the way, it is the raising funds and awareness aspect that I take more seriously.

Though my immediate family has been relatively unscathed by cancer, I know many others that haven’t had such good fortune. Thankfully due to early detection, many of these people have beaten the odds and the cancer itself. I know this was only possible due to the research that doctors have been able to perform thanks in part to raised funds. I know they appreciate it when people take action to raise funds to further study and hopefully find more ways to treat and beat such a prominent cancer in today’s world.


So, as much fun as Movember can be for many Mo Bro’s and also Mo Sista’s, I ask that you not just grow a moustache for the fun of it, but that you attempt to make a difference by raising awareness and money for a worthy cause.

Prostate Cancer might not impact anyone in your family, but odds are at some point it will affect someone you know. The more money raised, the better our chances become of finding a way to beat it!

If you’d like to join our PTBOCanada.com team, we would love to have you on board. Or if you would like to donate to us, that would also be appreciated! Every donation counts in this ongoing battle! Together we can change the face of men’s health.

Find our PTBOCanada.com team here.

—by Aaron Elliott 

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