Here's A Poem A PCVS Student Wrote For Her English Assignment About Her School Closing

How could they?
Why would they?
Why should they?
PCVS is more than a school.
PCVS is a home.
A home where hate withers.
Love grows in its place.
A home is where family lives.
We're family.
As the words run through my head.
"PCVS has been chosen to be closed."
I'm in denial.
This isn't happening.
How could they?
Why would they?
Why should they?
I've been stabbed in the back.
Just getting used to this environment.
Just to have it taken away from me.
We had a family building.
It's being torn down.
Ripped to shreads.
Thrown away like it meant nothing.
Rusty Hicks.
Spend a week here.
See what you think.
What do you see?
Each and every student.
They've taken away our family.
We're leaving a broken home.
How could they?
Why would they?
Why should they?

[via Peterborough Needs PCVS]

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