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Colour Theory Workshop

Colour Theory Workshop

Debra Bannister

April 12 + 19, 10-4 pm

$180, members $162

Color is the perceptual characteristic of light. Understanding colour and light can mean the difference between harmony and chaos when it comes to painting. Color combinations can unnoticed when pleasing, yet jar our perceptual senses when colour compositions seem to clash. One outcome we all seek as artists in this workshop, is a successful understanding and application of use of color.

Early Registration is required to ensure enrolment. Low enrolment may lead to workshop being cancelled. Please register by April 8, 2015.

Help us fill the classes! Get a friend to sign up and receive 10% off, 15% off for the second, 20% off the third for the current term. We want to thank you for helping us spread the word. This discount cannot be combined with another offer.