Community Futures Peterborough Launches New Green Funding Program For Any Peterborough City/County Business Of Up to $100,000

Community Futures Peterborough (CFP) for Earth Day, unveiled its Climate Change and Environment Fund to help any Peterborough County and City businesses reduce their carbon footprint, announced at Charlotte Products Ltd. on Monday morning.

Photo by David Tuan Bui.

“Like many organizations and leaders in the community, we want to be a part of helping fight climate change and encourage green investment in the Peterborough area,” said Devon Girard, CFP executive director. “Launching this new lending program is one way we can play a role in supporting existing businesses while also trying to attract new green companies to the region.”

The Climate Change and Environment Fund is open to any business to finance a project to reduce carbon emissions or waste. These projects could consider energy-efficient upgrades (including capital upgrades) to reduce energy bills, renewable energy improvements, or considerations of circular economies, including localizing supply chains or buying reusable bins. Under this fund, CFP will lend money at a prime rate, up to $100,000 per project.

Charlotte Products Ltd. has reduced carbon emissions by investing in the creation of its local manufacturing facilities instead of sourcing from the United States and globally.

“On behalf of the Charlotte Products team, we are honoured to host this exciting launch of the Climate Change and Environment Fund by Community Futures Peterborough,” says Matt Strano, Charlotte Products Ltd. CEO. “Sustainability is a primary concern for numerous businesses in our community,and initiatives like this fund will further bolster and reinforce their ongoing efforts.”

“The climate crisis is bringing a variety of increased financial pressures to our businesses including supply chain disruption and the rising costs of both shipping and natural gas,” said Tegan Moss, GreenUP executive director. “The Climate Change and Environment Fund is an opportunity for businesses to invest now in solutions that can help their businesses manage these costs while being a part of the solution. Imagine the possibilities: energy-efficient upgrades, renewable energy installations, circular economy initiatives – all aimed at reducing emissions, lowering costs, and enhancing the brand image of our businesses.”

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