VIDEO: Peterborough Year in Review

2010 has been quite the eventful year in the Patch. Here's a sampling—in video—of some of the stuff that went down here this year. In no particular order (by date or ranking), here it goes:

The gas leak...


Flash mob at Fleming College...


Jay Scotland busted on "COPS Peterborough" for a good cause...


Jeff Martin covering "Love Will Tear Us Apart" at The Red Dog...


Coach Greg Walsh stands up for his player against racism...


Showdown at City Council between Paul Ayotte & Patti Peeters...


3 Loonies event for Kawartha Food Share...

The Terry Fox Run at Nicholls Oval ...


New YWCA shelter opens...


The Silver Hearts perform on Hunter Street after last call...


The Olde Stone Symphony...


Sebastian Bach arrested at Riley's...


Tim Horton's commercial that was filmed in East City...


Blue Rodeo at Showplace...

What do you think the most important moments/events were in Peterborough this year?

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PtboPics: The New City Council Is In The House

Former mayors Sylvia Sutherland and Paul Ayotte were in attendance at the Inauguration of Peterborough City Council today. It should be an interesting and—hopefully—highly productive and transparent four years with Mayor Daryl Bennett and the new City Council, which is composed of a mix of rookies and seasoned veterans.

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An Email That is Circulating From Ayotte Campaign Team That Doesn't Hold Back On The Punches

John McNutt is Paul Ayotte's campaign manager. Here's the email...

Subject: tonight
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 13:55:59 -0400
Hi everyone
Just a reminder to watch Chex TV tonight at 9pm as Paul brings his message home to everybody.
This election is not by any means over.
Are you going to let it be decided by an egotistical ,smug neo conservative businessman, an out of town professional spin doctor, a newspaper, that is a wrapper at best ,for grocery store ads, six faceless people who think they a political pundits and an over the hill sports caster?

I think not.
So here is what we all need to do
1. Do I have to say this VOTE
2. Make sure your neighbours and relatives VOTE
3. You facebook twitter guys TURN UP THE VOLUME and make sure everyone VOTE
See how simple it is
There is approximately 200 people who see this email. Each of you be responsible for seeing that 5 more people get out and Vote so let see that is now 1200 people and they are each responsible for 5 each so now it is 7400. Now that group they only need to each contact I each and we are 14,800 enough to win. Oh by the way THEY VOTE FOR PAUL
Easy as 1x5x5x1
We won easily with 12,000 the last time so no sweat.
Thanks to those of you who helped us carry the message this last week with your contributions
See everyone at The Holiday Inn Monday night at 730 pm
John McNutt
Paul for continued Progress
Campaign Chair 2010
874-5265 office
760-1540 cell

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PtboCanada Interview: Paul Ayotte

PaulAyotte Incumbent Paul Ayotte is running against Daryl Bennett for Mayor in the October 25th municipal election. In this interview with PtboCanada, Ayotte explains why he thinks he has what it takes to be Mayor of Peterborough again:
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Most Clever Political Lawn Sign We've Seen In The Patch So Far












[via Ann Douglas on Facebook

[Related: Paul Ayotte & Daryl Bennett mayoral lawn signs]

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The Next Mayor of Peterborough: Who Do You Think It Will Be? Who do You *Want* It To Be? (And Who Has the Better Lawn Sign?)

PtboCanada Interview: Mayoral Candidate Daryl Bennett

Daryl Bennett (photo courtesy Bennett campaign) Daryl Bennett, 62, is running against incumbent Paul Ayotte for Mayor of Peterborough in the October 25th municipal election. Bennett, a Principal in The Liftlock Group of companies, grew up in East City and attended Armour Heights Public School and PCVS.

Bennett has volunteered for causes such as the 2004 flood relief effort, the campaign to build a new hospital and saving Market Hall. He is also a sponsor of bursaries at Trent University, and was named Citizen of the Year in 2004.

In this interview with PtboCanada, Bennett gives his vision for the city, and the reasons why he thinks he has what it takes to be Mayor.

PtboCanada: You say you declared your candidacy because you care about our city and about the future of our city. The way things are going, how does Peterborough's future look? Are you concerned about lack of jobs here? And if so, how do you propose we turn things around? Also, you say you intend to revitalize Peterborough and provide new opportunities for its residents. Can you give us an idea of some of the main policies and how they might differ from Mayor Ayotte's approach.

Bennett: I would not be running if I didn't think it was necessary. I didn't just wake up one morning and decide to become the Mayor. The decision came over the past four years, brought about in part by watching and listening to people's concerns about how difficult it had become to deal with City Hall—the stories about families whose children were spread far and wide because of the lack of opportunity in our own community; the stories about elected members of Council speaking about their lack of empowerment to deal with the needs of their constituents under the current regime. And finally, the decision came looking at a picture of my youngest grandson, with a perceived caption of him saying, "Why didn't you try to do something for my generation?"

One of the most important functions of the Mayor is to build consensus. It takes six votes to pass all matters at City Hall and it takes leadership to bring the members of Council together to do what is best for the community. Gaining consensus and making decisions is something I've done all my working life. The job of bringing business and tourists to our community starts by getting the operations of the City in order and creating a new environment of customer service. We, the Council, create the environment that pro-actively sets the agenda for progress. That means that we don't just follow processes that are already in place. The days of dotting i's , crossing t's and filling in the blanks so we can convince ourselves that everything is in order are over. We have far more potential to be the best we can be, and our job is to get on with it.
PtboCanada: What would you do to clean up our downtown, get rid of the crime/drugs/panhandlers, etc.? How would you help change the perception that our downtown is not safe and get more people down there to support the local businesses?
Bennett: Some of the answer is already in place, through the promotion and activities of the DBIA (Peterborough Downtown Business Improvement Association), but we can do more. I think the Police Service has done good work as well. What we need to add to those is a more frequent consultation with and involvement by the businesses themselves, so that the health of the core is always top of mind. I think that the opportunities for eyes on the street that result from downtown housing will help, as will a new approach to downtown waterfront improvements. The ultimate strength of the downtown lies in a collective understanding that we all have a precious and historic resource that has to be actively supported in order to compete with the powerful suburban model.

PtboCanada: Aside from your website you launched, we noticed you're employing social media (Twitter) as part of your campaign @Bennett4Mayor. Will you continue to "tweet" if elected mayor as some other mayors do (e.g. Mayor Ellis in Belleville, Mayor Miller in Toronto) to let citizens know what you're up to in the community? How will you make yourself accessible within the community?

Bennett: I think it's time we bring a new generation of technology to reach out to people, and Twitter is a good example. So is internet voting. Personally, I will continue to operate much the same as I have for the past forty some years. I'm very much hands on; I understand that communication is essential in any business or government, and people will not have to wonder what I'm up to.  

PtboCanada: How do you plan to reach out to the younger generation (Gen X, Gen Y) to show them you care about their needs? Because they are the future of this city.

Bennett: Well, everything about our campaign is aimed at providing the kind of leadership that will improve our collective well-being, and particularly for youth, whose opportunities to stay here and find work and a good life are far too limited. Peterborough has good schools, and we are fortunate to have Trent and Fleming to attract youth and to develop their skills. But it is our job at City Hall to create the employment and community conditions that will entice them to stay. As part of our campaign, we will be scheduling community consultations for youth so we can hear from them directly. As Mayor, I am attracted to the idea of a permanent Youth Council so their concerns are always on our agenda.

PtboCanada: For those that say Daryl Bennett is "a suit", all about business and his "old boy network", what do you say to that?

Bennett: Well, it all comes down to what a business is and what business people do. To me, business is a process of bringing people together to create, advance or resolve things. We all do that. Whether it's creating a lease on a building, operating a retail store, operating a media outlet, drafting the framework for a new by-law or delivering a social program, you bring people together to make change that is in the interests of your customers and your community. I've had some forty years of business experience where I have done just that, and I've had some success at it. I believe I can apply that experience for the benefit of the people of Peterborough.

PtboCanada: What would being Mayor of Peterborough mean to you?
Bennett: A wonderful opportunity to give something back to the community that has been so good to our family. A vote for me on election day will be a statement that the citizens of this community think we can do better.  

[Daryl Bennett's website; 2010 Municipal Election; MyKawartha's Electionfest blog]

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