Art Gallery of Peterborough Receives $25,000 In Funding For Online Exhibition

The Art Gallery of Peterborough (AGP) is receiving $25,000 from Digital Museums Canada, a funding program managed by the Canadian Museum of History, to produce an online exhibition about the Gallery’s history. 

Photo courtesy of the City of Peterborough.

“‘Permaculture: The Story of the Art Gallery of Peterborough’ is going to help us remember and thank our founding members and understand the journey our gallery has been on over the last 50 years. I am excited to see the completed project,” said Debby Keating, AGP board president.

This project will celebrate the hard work, dedication and grassroots collaboration of a community, primarily driven by women, who were devoted to the prosperity of arts and culture in the Peterborough-Kawartha region. The completed digital exhibition is expected to launch in 2026. It will explore the origin story of the Art Gallery of Peterborough and take a deep dive into a few key moments in its history.

‘Permaculture: The Story of the Art Gallery of Peterborough,’ was one of eight selected nationwide by an independent advisory committee as part of the Digital Museums Canada (DMC) Community Stories funding stream. DMC recently announced an investment of more than $2 million in 18 new online projects developed by museums, heritage, cultural and Indigenous organizations across Canada.

“We were delighted to receive a record number of proposal submissions this year,” said Leah Resnick, DiMC director. “The DMC investment program provides critical funding as well as application assistance and mentorship for equity-deserving communities.”

Close to 150 proposals were received across the Digital Projects and Community Stories streams this year. Over 40 per cent of awarded projects are from organizations supporting equity-deserving communities.

The DMC investment program helps build digital capacity in Canadian museums and heritage, as well as cultural and Indigenous organizations and gives people living in Canada unique access to diverse stories and experiences. DMC is managed by the Canadian Museum of History, with the financial support of the Government of Canada.

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