Community Care’s 35th Annual Grandparent of the Year Award Ceremony to Take Place June 6

Community Care Peterborough is celebrating the 35th anniversary of its intergenerational recognition program, ‘Grandparent of the Year,’ which honours children’s relationship with a Grandparent, Elder or special older person in their lives, with this year’s winners and honourable mentions will be announced on June 6.

photo courtesy of community care peterborough.

Over the years, thousands of school children from across the City and County of Peterborough have nominated a loved one for this award. Children are encouraged to submit a hand-drawn picture and a piece of writing that addresses what is important about their relationship with their Grandparent, Elder or special older person, and why they think their nominee should win the award. 

This year, Community Care received almost 200 entries and their panel of volunteer judges has chosen: one winner and two honourable mentions from each group of grades; primary and junior. Primary is Grades 2 & 3, and junior is Grades 4, 5, & 6.  Submissions were accepted in both English and French.

“We want to thank every child that entered, they have a participation certificate coming to them,” said Alicia Vandine, CCP’s donor relations and communications lead. “Every year we are amazed by the scope of stories we have received, it was not an easy task for our volunteer judges to choose the winners.”

After two years of virtual events, Community Care says they are looking forward to a return to an in-person awards ceremony on June 6 at 6 p.m. at the lower level Community Room in the Peterborough Public Library (345 Aylmer St. N, Peterborough).

For more information about the annual Grandparent of the Year event, visit the website.

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