14 Things You Might Want To Know About E-Bike Safety

Peterborough Police receive many questions from the public regarding the rules of the road when it comes to e-bikes. For everyone’s safety on our roads, they ask that you please help share the following information on your social media channels...

1. All e-bike operators and passengers must be at least 16 years of age.
2. You can carry passengers on your e-bike ONLY if it was designed for more than one person. You should check the manufacturer's information to see if your e-bike was designed to carry passengers.
3. All operators and passengers must wear an approved bicycle or motorcycle helmet.
4. It is illegal to modify your e-bike's motor to make it more powerful or to increase the speed of your e-bike.
5. Under the Criminal Code of Canada the definition of a “motor vehicle” includes an e-bike. Anyone operating an e-bike intoxicated could be charged for impaired driving.
6. Under the Highway Traffic Act, an e-bike is not classified as a motor vehicle, so penalties for impaired driving under the Act would not apply.
7. Municipalities have the ability to prohibit where e-bikes may travel on roads, paths, trails and other property under their jurisdiction.
8. You don't need a driver's licence, vehicle permit or licence plate to ride an e-bike, but you do need to:
-> be 16 or older
-> wear an approved bicycle or motorcycle helmet
-> keep your e-bike in good working order
9. Under the City’s Active Transportation By-law, a bicycle-style e-bike can travel on the multi-use trails only when it’s being pedaled. Scooter-style e-bikes are no longer permitted on the multi-use trails.
10. E-bikes (either bicycle-style or scooter-style) ARE NOT allowed on sidewalks either in the downtown or outside of the downtown.
11. E-bikes (either style) are allowed in bicycle lanes
12. E-bikes (either style) are allowed on roads.
13. E-bike operators are expected to follow the rules of the road and be respectful and courteous to pedestrians and cyclists.
14. Applicable Fines (From the City of Peterborough’s Active Transportation By-law 14-096)
-> Riding an e-bike on the sidewalk $110
-> Riding a scooter-style e-bike on a multi-use trail $110
-> Failing to yield to a pedestrian $180

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