"The Wonderful Ones" Who Rallied Behind YWCA

Local YWCA executive director Lynn Zimmer calls them "the wonderful ones" (see video above)—those who rallied behind YWCA Crossroads Safe Haven Campaign so that the organization's dream of constructing a brand new shelter for women and children could come true.
During a recent Community Thank You Celebration held at Showplace, Zimmer veered from her notes in her speech to express how much each and every gift meant to the campaign and what a difference those gifts will continue to make for many years to come.
"Capital campaigns are designed to attract very large donations and recognize those donations by naming rooms and buildings in honour of those who have given very large gifts," she says. "Yet we are always aware that every gift to the Crossroads Safe Haven Campaign was heartfelt and many donors of smaller amounts have had to sacrifice more to give that gift than perhaps someone else who was able to give more. Everyone who gives to Crossroads is giving a gift of safety and healing. Every donor brings passion and compassion to their giving. Every gift is important and represents the love and caring of the people in our community."

Ann Douglas, PtboCanada contributor

[Photos of new YWCA shelter; Domestic violence statistics; YWCA Wonderful Ones]

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