Local Man Takes Cancer Diagnosis in Stride and Starts 'Dave's Walk Against Cancer' to Raise Funds for PRHC

Local man Dave Graham is taking his cancer diagnosis in stride and fundraising for the Cancer Clinic at Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC).

Dave meets one of his neighbors on his walks. Photo courtesy of Dave Graham.

Graham was diagnosed with colon cancer in March, had surgery and is now receiving chemotherapy twice a month.

“It took me totally by surprise,” he said. “I had no symptoms, no nothing. I thought ‘this is crazy’. But the more I thought of it I figured there has to be some sort of good come out of it.”

He visited PRHC and got to work setting up his fundraiser, in partnership with the PRHC Foundation.

Starting in August, Graham committed to walking 7,000 steps each day until Dec. 17 in hopes to raise $5,000.

Walking rain or shine, by the end of this fundraiser he will have walked 775,000 steps.

Not even one month into his fundraiser, after his ninth cancer treatment, Graham has raised over $6,700. After seeing the success his fundraiser is having he has changed his goal to $10,000.

“It’s just phenomenal. I’m so pleased with what Christ has done to encourage donations. The people donating - I know most of them, they’re wonderful people.”

Graham says these walks have allowed him to meet neighbors he never has before, and he now appreciates even more the landscape around his home with fall colours coming through.

“I start my walk at about 7:30, walk about two miles and it takes about an hour. I come home and my wife has the coffee ready, it’s exciting.”

In addition to his personal fundraiser, Graham’s son and daughter have started their own fundraisers for the Cancer Centre at PRHC.

“It’s almost like we’re starting a family business,” he says.

Dave says the cows he walks by daily have become quite friendly. Photo courtesy of Dave Graham.

“Cancer blew me away, but through His grace I’ve been able to do what I am doing. My faith has carried me through but my determination has also helped considerably.”

Graham says his walks have helped him to feel good throughout his diagnosis, his last round of treatment is Dec. 1.

All money raised will help fund the equipment and technology PRHC’s Cancer Care team use to provide compassionate cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment.

Online donations will go directly to the PRHC Foundation and a receipt will be issued automatically. Donations can also be made by cash or cheque (made out to the PRHC Foundation) through Dave Graham who will pass them on to the Foundation.

Tax receipts will be issued by the Foundation in time for the 2021 tax deadline.

To donate click here.

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